NetWar: With friends like that...
Wednesday, February 16, 2005With friends like that...God and the people who read this blog know that Jacques Chirac isn’t my Valentine. Yet, this time I can only agree with him: he has forcefully called for an international investigation on who (I would add why) murdered Rafik Hariri. Then he flew into Beirut this morning, against the advice of his ministers, to attend Hariri’s funeral. Bravo, Jacques! The Syrian ambassador in Paris, Siba Nasser, hasn’t wasted much time in going on the record on Radio Europe 1, to say what?, that of course, her government hadn’t had anything to do with the murder (how could people think such a preposterous thing?, the Syrian regime, come on!) and then, she went on to say that Syria, of course (again), was ready to accept such an international investigation if –now, read carefully- if the Lebanese government accepts it. The lady went on to say that it was possible that tomorrow the Lebanese would ask some neutral countries, like the European countries, to help them to search for indicia… (Il se peut que demain les Libanais demandent à des pays neutres comme des pays européens de les aider à retrouver des indices.) She also said that "Hariri was a great friend of Syria" ! (With friends like that, did Hariri need enemies?) Now, the word « neutral » in that context implies that there is a war going on, that you are a part of it and that you consider the Europeans to be neutral… who is the enemy? The United States? Searching in the arcane of the Net, I think these three links are very interesting: June 2001: Can Syria Put the Lebanese Regime Together Again? May 2004 : The Bombing in Damascus: Ten Reasons to Doubt Syria's Claim July 2004 : The US and France Tip the Scale in Lebanon's Power Struggle